Wednesday 3 October 2012

Why You Require A Superb Web Site

Most people know their business needs a great website, its a given.

The world has changed, everyone is attached to the internet 24/7. Such companies like Brisbane advertising stated that if you do not have an online existence then your business is going nowhere. Online study forms the first part of virtually any buying decision. Every business needs to be generally there.

Does your business have a very great website?

Thumbs up should you do, that’s an awesome start. The next question for you, is: Are you working your web site? That’s a story for another article.

If you don’t have a fantastic website, you are likely to fall into one of three types.

1) You’re a new business and seeking to build your first web site.

2) You've got a web site, but it is not great. Perhaps it was created 4 or more years ago, when web technologies were less mature & is now showing its age.

3) You've been busy, and technology frightens you, and you have been putting off the task of organising a website for the last decade.

So why do you need a great site?

For a lot of reasons – I’m going to focus on what I believe are the key four.

1) Be Discovered.

People are turning to Mr. Google for all their needs, from looking for a local plumber, to comparing reviews of local restaurants, it is the way the world works these days. You’ve just got to be there, otherwise potential clients will certainly walk on by, never realizing you are there.

2) Make An Impression.

You’ve got to put your best foot forward. In the online world, it is all about first impressions. We customers are fickle, and we are spoiled for selection. Subconsciously people will make massive judgements about your business from the instant the home page loads (or the speed in which it loads). If your audience don’t like whatever they see in the first few seconds, they’ll click the back button and look at the site of the next competitor. You may be the best in your industry, but if you have an unpleasant site, most will write you off as a sub standard company, and also move on. You will miss out on oodles of prospects. That is why it’s imperative you replace that aging sloppy site for a sleek fast and also modern reflection on your business.

3) It’s A Center For Your Online Marketing Efforts.

Once you’ve got an excellent web site, you have a focus point for wider online marketing strategies. Add a few planned landing pages to your website for key products or services. Draw individuals directly to these key parts of your site via targeted online advertising and produce more leads.

4) A Platform To Communicate.

A good modern website must have a blog or news webpage. Write regular posts about your products, services and industry. Share valuable knowledge and insights with your viewers. Doing this provides many benefits. Some instant, some subtle and longer term.

- It gives you credibility and implies that your company is an expert in its field.

- Well written posts, are attractive and build trust.

- Regular addition of new content about your industry, is ideal for improving search engine rankings.

- Each article you publish, creates a new possible entry point to your website and increases traffic.

- Used in conjunction with a social media strategy can greatly increase traffic and lead generation.

There are obviously many other reasons you need a great website. Always remember that your website is your lifeline in the internet world. For more information, check out: Icreate Solutions


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