Thursday 4 October 2012

What Makes A Great Logo Design And How Do I Get One?

When starting up a brand new business, one of the first things on the ‘To Do’ list is to design and style a fabulous logo. Every day businesses try, fail and succeed when it comes to logo design. One thing is for certain, you definitely want to be within the ‘SUCCEED’ category!

The logo by definition is a graphic symbol or design that a company uses to identify its products or services and acquire instant recognition kind of like a IT small business support. A logo might be comprised of an image only or an image together with the name of the company.

However how do we even start this method? Why don’t we have a peek at a few well known and incredibly successful logos and see what they have in common. Let’s consider Coca Cola and McDonalds as examples which have stood the test of time and also some newer success stories like Fedex and Apple.

There are a few key rules that most of these businesses seem to have adopted when designing their logos. It seems that the best logos are:


More often than not less is more. All of these logos are quite clean and concise. They use simple shapes, fonts and colors. There are no fancy patterns or even intricate details. But one thing is for sure, they have impact. Simple doesn’t have to mean weak or boring. In the case of these four logos, simple equals bold and memorable.


A great logo will work well in each possible media. Our four examples look just as good online as they will on a label or in a magazine ad. Also, they are recognisable regardless of whether they may be shown in full colour or in black and white.


Size really does matter. You want your logo to look just as good on your business card as it would on a billboard. The McDonald’s logo is just as recognisable on the packaging of their French Fries as it is on their large neon store signs. If a design is too complex, you can lose some of the detail when you alter the size of the logo.


A good logo will probably be easy to remember, have effect and last the distance. The Coca Cola logo was created in 1885 using a fashionable script font from that time period. Over 125 years later it still looks modern and relevant. The McDonald’s ‘golden arches’ have been used since 1968 and is recognisable all around the world. Even Apple and Fedex, who are the new kids on the block, are often remembered. Most people will recognize the business even if only shown a portion of the logo.

If you keep these factors in mind when starting the design process of your new logo will be on the right track. At the end of the day, make sure that you stay true to yourself and your business. Think about the way you want your business to be seen by the general public. With the help of a clever designer you will develop an amazing logo that captures the essence of your business. It may not be a long time before your logo, and therefore your business, is instantly recognisable in the market.

For more information check out: Icreate Solutions


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