Tuesday 25 December 2012

What Goes On Within A Design Company?

Many agencies claim it's all done by magic...

All design agencies are different but they all basically receive clients who would like something created or prepared for presentation to the public to give it the best possibility of becoming successful such is stated by Google Apps Consultant. With a creative design agency behind your project they will be aiming to help you make it successful by utilizing their team of designers, account managers and quite often freelancers to create new or improved products and images that will assist you to reach your goals.

Here's a breakdown of the various things a typical design agency will work on a daily basis to help you get an idea of what goes on at a creative agency.

Product Designing

This could involve the designers coming up with anything from a new concept for a practical hybrid car to a reworking of an existing washing up liquid bottle which will make it stand out. Product designers need to consider many factors such as the way consumers will physically utilize the product, how it will look on a shelf and how much it will cost to make.


Branding can be explained by thinking of some of the major products you see each day. A certain famous Cola beverage for instance has a very strong brand. An agency will usually be presented with an item by their client and then work to come up with a logo, a slogan, an advertising campaign and a range of other things which make up a marketing strategy that creates a strong brand identity. This will be tailored to the target viewers.


The design of packaging for a product is very important and brand agencies often work on packaging designs for bottles, perfumes, food packaging and just about any other product that comes in a package. This service is usually included with product designing and branding to create a cohesive brand image.

Print Design

When agencies are not working on physical products they'll spend much of their time designing images and materials that can be used to show off a product or service using brand identity design. This might incorporate brochures, print advertising and booklets and utilise components of the design team or even a graphic designer.

Website Design

Increasingly creative agencies also have a web department that work exclusively on designs for websites and ecommerce stores. These designers will need to be experts in usability as well as design and have a strong knowledge of development to make sure their designs will work online. Hopefully this article will have given you a better idea of what goes on at a design agency.

To know more, check out Icreate Solutions.


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