Monday 24 June 2013

Infographics - Everything Important In An Image

Attention is something that is needed in the world of social media. Simple solution to a world that involves ads, articles, events and much more. You see, the target audience in social media is the common person. The guy selling meat at the market, the delivery boy, the newspaper boy and even the milk man. It can be anybody in your city. Hell, it can be me.

For us, images can catch our attention quickly much faster than the title of an article. I'm sure, people stick around your article because of its content but the image is what attracts us. These so called images are infographics which tell us the important facts about your article. Take this image for example.

Important aspects of the article within an image.
This is important for most people because, sometimes people ain't got no time to read all of your content. People tend to not focus on reading since it burns time and that is quite important for us common folk. A good place for infographics would be Facebook. Normal people sharing images and updates about their daily lives. Even big businesses with social media management services are here to share their products and sometimes their work as well.

To sum it all up, infographics if done correctly, they can build up your online business faster and make your article that less boring. It would be a hit to us.

Friday 21 June 2013

Twitter Hashtags - Uniting Individuals

Twitter as we all know, is one of the most used social networking sites in the world. People of all ages and races are drawn to this simple yet pretty effective website. How?

Simply by letting the people of the world exchange opinions through trending topics with the use of hashtags. A person from Australia can communicate with a person living in London or America. Although, with this being said, people usually unite for global events. It can be a good one or a bad one and, sometimes downright funny as hell. It really depends upon what event is trending.

One good, example would be Game 7 of the NBA finals. That was a global event and by far the best 6 hours of the day. People from all corners of the world got together to watch and tweet about the game through the hashtag #NBAFinals and #Game7. I read one tweet from a person in the Philippines saying that, the crime rate for the day was way below the normal rate. That person added that, it was like having a Manny Pacquiao fight day.

Now, trends aren't always good. Sometimes, bad news come and they break peoples hearts but, trends are simply what's trending at the moment. Like yesterday, the actor James Gandolfini died of a heart attack in Italy. The hashtag #RIPJamesGandolfini was trending worldwide. Each person tweeting their respects to the late actor, others shared some sweet moments with him. The world united and mourned for this great actor. It wasn't a good event but it was still amazing how people responded to the news. Twitter really use of great use to people nowadays.

For those who don't fully understand the hashtags in Twitter, see this post by LikedByDesign. It will provide you with information about it. Anyway,